John’s Septic Service performs septic repair on septic systems throughout Harford County, Cecil County and Baltimore County. Replacing a septic system is expensive, and septic repair can help prolong the life of your system. It might be something as simple as replacing a filter, valve or pump.
Septic Tank Service
Regular septic tank service, including
septic tank pumping and a periodic septic inspection, can catch small problems before they become big ones. If you are experiencing septic tank overflow or a leaking drain field, it may be possible to repair the problem.
Tips for Maintaining Septic Systems
You can avoid repairs and keep septic systems in good shape by following a few simple tips:
- Do not put too much water into the septic system. Typical water use is about 50 gallons per day for each person in the family. Avoid running the dishwasher or washing machine at the same time as people are showering.
- Do not flush materials (sanitary napkins, applicators, cigarette butts and so on) other than domestic wastewater.
- Limit the use of your garbage disposal. Consider composting.
- Don’t pour grease or cooking oils down the sink drain.
- Make a diagram showing the location of your tank, drain field, and repair area.- we can help you with this.
- Install a watertight riser over the septic tank to simplify access.
- Have the effluent filter in the septic tank cleaned periodically by a professional.
- Have the solids pumped out of the septic tank every two years
- Maintain dense grass or other adequate vegetative cover over the drain field.
- Direct downspouts away from the septic system to avoid oversaturation
- Keep automobiles and heavy equipment off the system.
Request a quote or call us today at 410-272-2317 or 410-272-2319 with questions about septic repair and septic tank service. We also offer emergency service.